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Department of Health Sciences 


Below is a comprehensive list of our department policies that address cheating, plagiarism, and other student conduct.


know our department's standards for your success 

WSU Health Sciences Department treats all instances of cheating with the utmost level of seriousness and recognizes all WSU students as adults pursuing their education, and as adults, students are considered responsible for their actions. Students are subject to the cheating policies, codes, definitions, and sanctions established by Weber State University (PPM 6-22), by the Ezekiel R. Dumke College of Health Professions, by other departments, and by the Health Sciences Department.

The Health Sciences Department has full right to investigate any work given for credit if they suspect a cheating incident has occurred, usually emphasized by extensive test taking time, or any proctor (remote or local) concerns. Specific Health Sciences sanctions typically apply to cheating during a test or cheating on class assignments. Additionally, definitions of cheating by the Health Sciences Department standards are listed (but not limited too) below:

  • Cheating

    • Copying from another students' tests, quizzes, and/or assignments without faculty approval for collaboration;
    • Using materials or inappropriate procedures/behavior during a test that are not authorized by the proctor;
    • A student proctoring their own exams;
    • Collaborating with any other person during a test without faculty approval for collaboration;
    • Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, voluntarily revealing, transporting, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of any tests, quizzes, and/or assignments without authorization from the appropriate official;
    • Bribing any other person to obtain any part of the contents from tests, quizzes, and/or assignments;
    • Soliciting or receiving unauthorized information about any tests, quizzes, and/or assignments;
    • Substituting or permitting any other student or person to take test(s) for you;

  • Plagiarism & Copyright

    • The unacknowledged (uncited) use of any other person, student, groups' ideas/work, websites, books, journals, and/or any published piece is considered plagiarism. This includes purchased, borrowed, and/or copied papers.
    • Infringing on the copyright law of the United States, which prohibits the reproduction of copyrighted material(s) except under certain specified conditions.
    • The use of generative AI (i.e. ChatGPT) without instruction to do so and without proper attribution is considered plagiarism.




  • Collusion

    The unauthorized collaboration with any other person, student, and/or group in the preparation of work offered for credit.

  • Falsification

    The intentional and unauthorized altering or inventing of any information or citation in an academic exercise, activity or record-keeping process.

  • Distribution

    Giving, selling, donating, using, or receiving unauthorized information and/or resources in the preparation and/or completion of any course work or test.

  • Altering

    The changing, adjusting, and/or tampering of test(s), quizzes, and/or assignments after the work is corrected, and stating that the altered response(s) was actually misread by the faculty or staff reviewing the work.

The simplest and best policy is DO NOT CHEAT! In the world of medicine and healthcare, there is no tolerance for unethical behavior of any kind. It is the Health Sciences Department goal to prepare students for work in the medical field. Therefore, the Department's treatment of unethical behavior is severe and will most likely limit students' chances of pursing healthcare programs.

The cheating policy will be enforced by the Department of Health Sciences and the University as follows:

  • Warning

    If a student is suspected of cheating, a warning may or may not be given, in verbal or written form, to the student(s) that his or her conduct is in violation of Weber State University rules and regulations; and that the continuation of such conduct or actions may result in further disciplinary action.


  • Failure of the Course

    A student found cheating will receive an "E" (failure) and no credit for the course will be given. In addition, a report of the student's name, class, behavior, action, and resulting disciplinary measures will be sent to the Dean of Students to be included in the University's database; and a report will be sent to the departments connected to the student(s) within the Dumke College of Health Professions and the University.

know now and succeed tomorrow 

  • Three Chances to Pass HTHS 1110

    HTHS 1110 is a very challenging course. Many students attempt it with insufficient preparation. We encourage all students who are new to health sciences to take HTHS 1104, Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology before taking HTHS 1110. 

    HTHS 1110 serves as a gatekeeper course, with most programs in Dumke College of Health Professions requiring at least a C grade for admission. HTHS 1110 can only be taken three times. A student who fails to receive a C or better in three attempts will not be allowed to retake HTHS 1110 and cannot move on to other courses in the Health Sciences Department that have HTHS 1110 as a prerequisite.

  • Past Credits

    An up-to-date understanding of the human body is required for success in the Health Sciences department as well as in other programs in the Dumke College of Health Professions.

    Health Sciences courses taken more than 10 years ago, whether at Weber State or from another institution, will not be accepted for credit towards a degree in Health Sciences and may not satisfy admissions requirements for other health profession programs.



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