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Visiting Writer Events


Spring '24 Visiting Writer Series — presented by the Wasatch Writers Center & the Department of English


This even has taken place already. Thank you to our amazing visiting writers!

           Bethany Schultz Hurst

Bethany Schultz Hurst is the author two poetry books: Blueprint and Ruin, winner of the 2021 Michael Waters Poetry Prize through Southern Indiana Review Press; and Miss Lost Nation, winner of the Anhinga Poetry Prize and finalist for the 2016 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. Her work has appeared in Best American Poetry 2015 and in journals such as Ecotone, The Gettysburg Review, Gulf Coast, Narrative, and Ploughshares. A recent recipient of a literary arts fellowship through the Idaho Commission on the Arts, she is a professor at Idaho State University. 

Lance Larsen

Lance Larsen, professor of English, currently serves as department chair at Brigham Young University. He teaches American literature and creative writing, especially poetry. He is the author of five collections of poems, most recently What the Body Knows (Tampa 2018).  He has received a number of awards, including a Pushcart prize and fellowships from Sewanee, Ragdale, and the National Endowment for the Arts. In 2017, he completed a five-year term as poet laureate of Utah. 


           Joyelle McSweeney

Guggenheim Fellow Joyelle McSweeney is the author of ten books of poetry, drama and prose, a well-known critic, and a vital publisher of international literature in translation. McSweeney's recent book, Toxicon and Arachne (Nightboat Books, 2020), was called "frightening and brilliant" by Dan Chiasson in the New Yorker and earned her the Shelley Memorial Prize from the Poetry Society of America. With Johannes Göransson, she co-edits the international press Action Books which has built readerships for a vast array of U.S. and international authors. She lives in South Bend, Indiana and teaches at Notre Dame.

Johannes Göransson

Johannes Göransson is the author of nine books of poetry and criticism, most recently Summer (2022), and is the translator of several books of poetry, including works by Aase Berg, Ann Jäderlund, Helena Boberg and Kim Yideum. His poems, translations and critical writings have appeared in a wide array of journals in the U.S. and abroad, including Fence, Lana Turner, Spoon River Review, Modern Poetry in Translation (UK), Kritiker (Denmark) and Lyrikvännen (Sweden). He is an associate professor in the English Department at the University of Notre Dame and, together with Joyelle McSweeney, edits Action Books.


Martin Coreless-Smith


Martin Corless-Smith is a professor of creative writing at Boise State University. His degrees include a BA and an MFA in painting and printmaking, an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University of Utah. His seventh collection of poetry, The Fool & The Bee was a best-seller at SPD. Odious Horizons: Some versions of Horace came out in September 2019. A collection of essays, The Poet’s Tomb appeared in 2020 from Parlor Press. 

C. Violet Eaton


C. Violet Eaton is the author of two full-length collections of poetry: Quartet (Ahsahta, 2018) and Some Habits (Omnidawn, 2015). He currently lives in the Southern Tier region of New York State.

Sara Nicholson

Sara Nicholson is the author of two books of poetry, What the Lyric Is and The Living Method, both from The Song Cave. Her work has appeared in the Chicago Review, Harper’s, Poetry, the New York Times, the Yale Review, and elsewhere. In 2018, she was the Holloway Poet-in-Residence at the University of California, Berkeley. She has an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas.



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