Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety Manual
Guidelines and information regarding university procedures, policies and rules for all matters pertaining to radiation protection and safety.
This inspection is to be completed bylLab anagers, PI’s and professors, minimally at the start of each semester to ensure the safety of their lab environment.
Guidance relating to the definition and classification of the various forms of radiation.
Radiation Safety Committee
For questions or information about the Radiation safety program and meetings, contact ehs@weber.edu or one of our committee members below.
Frederick Monette
Radiation Safety Officer
Frederick.Monette@ehs.utah.eduSeth Cawley
Department of Public Safety
sethcawley@weber.eduRyan Perkins
Environmental Health and Safety
ryanperkins2@weber.eduCraig Jorgensen
Environmental Health and Safety
craigjorgensen@weber.eduClay Peterson
University Fire Marshal
claytonpeterson@weber.eduRichard Badger
Administrative Representative
richardbadger@weber.eduTodd Johnson
Non-Use Representative
tmjohnson@weber.eduColin Inglesfield
Physics Representative
cinglefield@weber.eduAmanda Gonzalez
Dental Hygiene Representative
amandamusselman@weber.eduVictor (Shane) Clampitt
Radiation Sciences