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CS Flex has Scholarships for K-12 Teachers


CS Flex provides courses for the CS AAS degree in a new format. This format includes mastery learning, open entry, and flexible completion including support for accelerated progress. 

There are scholarships available to K-12 teachers. 

Flexible Entry

CS Flex allows flexible start times. You can start a class early or join it after the semester begins. For summer courses you can wait until school is out to start your summer CS course. Or you can get an early start on fall semester if that fits your schedule better. 

Flexible Progress

CS Flex courses are based on mastery of the material. Each course has several modules. Once a module is completed successfully you can move on to the next module. This facilitates accelerated learning.

If you complete a course before the semester is over, you can begin the next course. No need to wait for the beginning of the next semester.

To Apply

If you are interested in taking one of the CS Flex courses, there are scholarships available for K-12 teachers. You can apply for these scholarships by filling out the application.

CS Flex Educator Scholarship


Teaching CS Concurrent Enrollment Courses

These courses can help you qualify to teach WSU concurrent enrollment courses. If you are interested in becoming a CS concurrent enrollment teacher, these classes can help you get started. If you are currently teaching CS concurrent enrollment courses and would like to teach additional courses, these classes can expand your options.