Current International Baccalaureate Guidelines

Note: Effective immediately, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has mandated changes on how state institutions may award International Baccalaureate (IB) credit towards breadth requirements as part of general education. The IB diploma no longer waives general education breadth requirements; however, students with acceptable IB standard and higher-level exam scores will receive credit as outlined below.

IB Subject Exams IB Score Weber State University Credit Total Credits
Biology SL 4+ ZOOL 1010 LS (3cr) 3
Biology HL 4+ ZOOL 1610 LS (4cr) 4
Business Management SL 4+ BSAD 1XXX (3cr) 3
Business Management HL 4+ BSAD 1XXX (6cr) 6
Chemistry SL 4+ CHEM 1XXX (3cr) 3
Chemistry HL 4+ CHEM 1010 PS (3cr) 3
Classical Languages SL 4+ WLC 1010 (3cr) & WLC 1020 (3cr) 6
Classical Languages HL 4+ WLC 1010 (3cr) & WLC 1020 (3cr) & WLC 2010 (3cr) 9
Computer Science SL 4+ CS 1030 (4cr) 4
Computer Science HL 4+ CS 1XXX (3cr) 3
Dance SL 4+ DANC 1010 CA/CC (3cr) 3
Dance HL 4+ DANC 1010 CA/CC (3cr) and DANC 1XXX (3cr) 6
Economics SL 4+ ECON 1010 SS (3cr) 3
Economics HL 4+ ECON 2010 SS (3cr) & ECON SS 2020 (3cr) 6
Environmental Systems and Tech SL 4+ BTNY 1XXX (3cr) 3
Film SL 4+ THEA 1023 CA (3cr) 3
Film HL 4+ THEA 1023 CA (3cr) and THEA 1XXX (2cr) 5
Geography SL 4+ GEOG 1300 SS/CC (3cr) 3
Geography HL 4+ GEOG 1000 PS (3cr) & GEOG 1300 SS/CC (3cr) 6
Global Politics HL 4+ POLS 2100 SS (3cr) 3
History SL 4+ HIST 1XXX (3cr) 3
History HL 4+ HIST 1XXX (3cr) and HIST 1510 SS/CC GLB (3cr) 6
Language A: Language and Literature SL 4+ ENGL 2200 HU/CC (3cr) 3
Language A: Language and Literature HL 4+ *ENGL 1010 EN (3cr) & ENGL 2200 HU/CC (3cr) 6
Language A: Literature HL 4+ ENGL 2200 HU/CC (3cr) & ENGL 2XXX (3cr) 6
Language AB initio SL 4+ WLC 1010 (3cr) & WLC 1020 (3cr) 6
Language B: SL 4+ WLC 1010 (3cr) & WLC 1020 (3cr) 6
Language B: HL 4+ WLC 1010 (3cr) & WLC 1020 (3cr) & WLC 2010 (3cr) 9
Math: Analysis & Approaches SL 4+ MATH 1050 QL (4cr) 4
Math: Analysis & Approaches HL 4 MATH 1080 QL (5cr) 5
Math: Analysis & Approaches HL 5+ MATH 1210 (4cr) 4
Math: Application & Interpretation SL 4+ MATH 1XXX QL (3cr) 3
Math: Application & Interpretation HL 4 MATH 1050 QL (4cr) 4
Math: Application & Interpretation HL 5+ MATH 1080 QL(5cr) 5
Music SL 4+ MUSC 1XXX (3cr) 3
Music HL 4+ MUSC 1010 CA (3cr) 3
Physics SL 4+ PHYS 1010 PS (3cr) 3
Physics HL 4+ PHYS 2010 PS (5cr) & PHYS 2020 (5cr) 10
Psychology SL 4+ PSY 1010 SS (3cr) 3
Psychology HL 4+ PSY 1010 SS (3cr) & PSY 1XXX (3cr) 6
Social & Cultural Anthropology SL 4+ ANTH 1000 SS/CC (3cr) 3
Social & Cultural Anthropology HL 4+ ANTH 1000 SS/CC (3cr) & ANTH 1XXX (3cr) 6
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL 4+ PEP 2XXX (3cr) or ESS 2XXX (3cr) 3
Theatre SL 4+ THEA 1013 CA (3cr) 3
Theatre HL 4+ THEA 1013 CA (3cr) & THEA 1XXX (2cr) 5
Visual Arts SL 4+ ART 1010 CA (3cr) 3
Visual Arts HL 4+ ART 1010 CA (3cr) & ART 1XXX (3cr) 6

*Updated August 2024