Academic Rules, Regulations, and Standards
No. 4-17 | Rev. 5-09-19 | Date 4-20-77 |
Weber State University students must maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA). They must also declare their program of study within a specified period of time. In compliance with Federal, State, and Institutional regulations, the University tracks the satisfactory progress of students participating in regulated programs. This includes tracking both GPA and required credit hour progress. Students who fail to meet the required standards will be placed on academic warning, probation, or suspension.
To remain in good standing, students are required to maintain an institution GPA of at least a 2.00. A student whose institution GPA is below the required 2.00 level will be placed on Academic Warning, Probation or Suspension. Institution GPA is defined in PPM 4-19.
A. All degree seeking undergraduate students will be placed on Academic Warning, Probation or Suspension as follows:
1. Students whose institution GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on Academic Warning. At the end of subsequent semesters, academic standing will be evaluated according to the following conditions:
a. Academic Improvement: Students will be removed from Academic Warning when the institution GPA is equal to or greater than 2.00.
b. Satisfactory Progress: Students will remain on Academic Warning when their semester GPA is equal to or greater than 2.00, but their institution GPA remains less than 2.00.
c. Unsatisfactory Progress: Students will move to Academic Probation when their semester GPA and institution GPA is less than 2.00.
2. Students who earn a semester GPA below 2.00 while on Academic Warning, will be placed on Academic Probation. At the end of subsequent semesters, academic standing will be evaluated according to the following conditions.
a. Academic Improvement: Students will be removed from Academic Probation when the institution GPA is equal to or greater than 2.00.
b. Satisfactory Progress: Students will remain on Academic Probation when their semester GPA is equal to or greater than 2.00, but their institution GPA remains less than 2.00.
c. Unsatisfactory Progress: Students will move to Academic Suspension when their semester GPA and institution GPA is less than 2.00.
3. Students who earn a semester GPA below 2.00 while on Academic Probation will be placed on Academic Suspension and required to serve a one-term suspension (e.g., Fall, or Spring, or Summer).
a. Students will be eligible to participate in University-related programs and activities (e.g. athletic teams, clubs and organizations, etc.), unless prohibited by specific program requirements, unless they are suspended from the institution.
b. At the end of the Academic Suspension term, suspended students will be readmitted on Academic Warning. At the end of the returning semester, academic standing will be evaluated under the conditions provided for Academic Warning (PPM 4-17, III.A.1).
B. Academic Standing is based on the careful and deliberate evaluation of academic performance and may not be appealed except in cases in which the student disputes the accuracy of the academic record. Students who wish to dispute their academic record must file an academic petition within one year of the conclusion of the semester in question except in case of extenuating circumstances.
C. Students placed on Academic Warning, Probation or Suspension will be provided academic advisement and remediation support through the Bounce Back Program and must complete the Bounce Back program requirements prior to enrolling in a subsequent semester.
D. Students will be advised by mail of their academic status. A letter will be sent to their current address.
1. All Weber State University degree-seeking students will declare a program of study (major, minor if required, and degree) by the deadline corresponding to their intended degree:
Institutional Certificates during the first term of enrollment Associate Degree or Institutional Diploma by the time 24 semester hours have been completed Bachelor Degrees by the time 48 semester hours have been completed Graduate Degrees during the first term of enrollment 2. Student records will be reviewed electronically on a term basis. Students found in non-compliance will be notified and a hold will be placed on their registration until a program of study has been declared.
1. Regulated Programs: Extra-curricular and financial aid programs required to monitor academic and required credit-hour progress of participating students. Regulated programs include, but are not limited to financial aid, academic and activity scholarship, work study, intercollegiate athletics, international student, veteran and student-activity programs.
2. Participating Student: A student who has made application to and has been accepted in a specific regulated program.
3. Required Credit Hours: General education hours, specific university requirements, major and minor hours including electives required for the major/minor and prerequisite courses and general electives required for the completion of a degree.
a. Required credit hours prior to a student’s declaration of a program of study will be based on the requirements for the Associate of Arts or the Associate of Science in General Studies, including the electives within those degrees.
b. Required credit hours for students completing more than one major, more than one minor or a minor not required by their major will be based on the first complete single program of study listed.
c. Required credit hours for students completing more than one program of study at the same time (i.e., A.S. and B.S.) will be based on both programs.
4. Satisfactory Progress/Academic Standard: Adherence to university academic standards as defined by Section III of this policy. Students will be allowed to participate unless they are suspended from the institution or terminated based on criteria established by the specific regulated program.
5. Satisfactory Progress/Required Credit-Hour Standard: Completion of a specific number of credit hours and satisfactory progress toward the completion of a degree.
a. The minimum number of credit hours that must be completed in a satisfactory manner is based on criteria established by the specific regulated program.
b. Satisfactory progress toward a degree is defined as the satisfactory completion of a minimum number of required credit hours (see V .A.3.). If a student satisfactorily completes more than the minimum number of required credit hours in a term, the excess hours will be banked to compensate for a possible required credit-hour deficit.
1. This policy will be implemented in stages. The first stage will establish a manual evaluation with appropriate warning, probation and disqualification penalties for students participating in intercollegiate athletics. The second stage will establish an electronic evaluation with appropriate penalties for other regulated students.
2. Students suspended due to academic standard deficiencies will be required to reapply to the specific regulated program (athletics, financial aids, etc.) for participation.
3. Students suspended due to academic standard deficiencies will be required to reapply to the specific regulated program (athletics, financial aids, etc.) for participation.
4. Students not meeting the required credit-hour standard (see V.A.5.) will be placed on probation or disqualified from participation in the specific regulated program according to the following criteria:
a. Freshmen and Sophomores (fewer than 60 semester credit hours)
(1) Warning: a deficit of 1-6 required semester credit hours.
(2) Probation: a deficit of 7 or more required semester credit hours.
(3) Disqualified from participation: students will be disqualified if they fail to reduce their deficit required credit hours by two credits each term while they are on credit-hour probation.
b. Students who have accumulated more than 60 semester credit hours (Junior-level)
(1) Such students who have one or more deficit required credit hours will have one term on probation and during that term must reduce their deficit by at least two credit hours.
(2) Students failing to reduce their deficit by at least two credit hours per term will be disqualified from participation.
5. Students disqualified from participation due to a deficit of required credit hours may regain eligibility to the regulated program by:
a. Continuing to enroll outside the regulated program and reducing their deficit to zero.
b. Continuing to enroll outside the regulated program and reducing their deficit to within the warning category and requesting approval to participate through an authorized regulated program committee and eligibility supervisor. If approved to participate, their continued participation would be based on reducing their required credit-hour deficit by two credit hours per term until they have a zero deficit.
6. Credit counted toward satisfactory completion of the required credit-hour requirement must be in accordance with institutional policy.
a. Grades must meet the minimum graduation requirement for each course and program.
b. Courses not repeatable for credit will count towards satisfactory completion only the first time an acceptable grade is earned.
7. Developmental courses will be counted toward required credit load only if they are taken during the first 24 semester credit hours of collegiate enrollment. Exceptions must be approved by an authorized regulated program committee and eligibility supervisor.
8. Records of participating students will be reviewed electronically on a term basis. If a satisfactory progress deficiency is identified, the student will be notified via a grade report message as to the type and the extent of the deficit. Students not meeting satisfactory progress requirements will be encouraged, via a grade report message, to seek academic guidance from an advisor.
9. Participating students desiring to change their major will begin their new major with the same deficit required credit hours they had accumulated in their previously identified major.
10. Transfer students will begin with zero deficit required credit hours regardless of their previous academic program, but their transfer hours and GPA will transfer according to institutional policy.
11. A student will be allowed to work on one program of study in each of the three different degree areas at a time; for example, a student could concurrently be working on an IC in Nursing, an AS in General Studies, and a BS in Gerontology and could be tracked for progress in all three programs.
12. A student will be allowed to pursue only one major and one minor in a program of study. Exceptions must be approved by the department chair of the currently declared major.
13. A student who is disqualified because of registration problems with closed classes will be allowed one extra term probation if the registration log shows that the student attempted to register for required courses.
14. Students will be referred to individual regulated program offices for additional requirements and guidelines.
Standards higher than the minimum requirements here outlined and higher than those mandated for participation in outside regulating organizations may be established by individual programs according to procedures in the program’s approved policies. Appeals concerning these individual program requirements will be made directly to the individual programs.