Past Tuesday Teaching Tips

Spring 2021

April 20, 2021

Teaching with Word Clouds and Creating Community in Online Classes

Presented by Paul Neiman



March 30, 2021

Using Yuja to Create Simple Concept Videos for Your Classes

Presented by Drew Weidman


February 23, 2021

Building Social Emotional Learning into Online Lessons

Presented by Aspen Florence


January 26, 2021

Increasing Online Communication

Presented by Alex Lawrence

Fall 2020

November 10

Using Qualtrics for Virtual Lecture with Integrated Learning Checks

Presented by Heather Chapman & Dan Hubler



November 3

RC's Not So Common Canvas Commons

Presented by RC Callahan


October 27

Technology Tools for Engaging Students Online

Presented by Katarina Pantic


October 20

Using Poll Everywhere

Presented by Kathryn Sperry


October 13

Language of Humanity–Teaching Social Justice Through Literature

Presented by Sarah Vause


October 6

Unsupervised Virtual Team Meetings

Presented by Francois Giraud-Carrier


September 29

The Little Things: Small Formative Assessments

Presented by Travis Price


September 22

Ideas for Using Discussion Boards

Presented by Brooke Jenkins

September 15

Integrating the Mental Well Being Module Into Your Courses

Presented by Amy Blunck


Summer 2020


May 26

Screen Capture in Assessment

Robin Haislett

Student and professor conversations are not as frequent and have less depth with the virtual format of classes during the global pandemic. This presentation shows how to use a screen capture application to allow students an inside look into the professor's thought process and rationale in grading their work.  This works for any assignment, including video, submitted through Canvas. 

Gradebook Hacks

Jean Norman

Canvas allows flexibility for individualized learning within the Gradebook. This session will cover the difference between groups and sections and what they're good for when it comes to assignments, as well as the "Excused" function, and how to award extra credit in Canvas.


June 2

Gail Niklason

Testing Centers at WSU have been a pedagogical tool used by many faculty. Removing testing from the confines of a scheduled class and allowing students to test at their convenience can help reduce the stress and anxiety sometimes associated with testing. Faculty don't have to use their limited class time for testing - everyone wins. Until a pandemic hits and those Testing Centers are no longer accessible to students. The option to test in the classroom is simultaneously taken away. While an incredibly creative work around has been put into place that allows students to test from their homes without incurring proctoring charges, the work around has limited testing capacity. Faculty have been asked to limit secure tests to no more than five (or 3 or fewer in a block course). How can faculty adapt their assessment processes to address these limitations? In this presentation, we will explore several alternatives to secure, summative testing.

Michelle Culumber

Engaging students in group assignments through Google Docs and Google Slides: I will share how I used these both pre and post-pandemic, and will share some examples from my classes. 


June 9


Diana Meiser

Yuja is a robust tool that allows you to create videos, complete with closed-captioning, and embed those videos in your Canvas course. 

Ryan Cain

Ryan will be sharing Jamboard, one of the Google Apps, as a way for your students to collaborate online during a synchronous meeting. Jamboard is a digital version of providing flipchart paper in your F2F classes, where small groups can draw, write text, and link other Google documents on a shared whiteboard. If you have a device with a stylus (e.g., iPad, Android tablet, Windows convertible laptop), you may want to bring it. For iPads, you will need to download the Jamboard by Google App.


June 16

Melina Alexander & Tonia Wilson

Did you find yourself scrambling to move your content online last spring?  We didn't.  Our teaching and learning moved seamlessly from the face-to-face classroom to a virtual format with no additional preparation needed.  Let us show you how we did it using the HyFlex model and why students LOVE this course delivery format. 

Tawni LaSalle



June 23

Jamie Wankier (postponed)

edPuzzle is a fun, free software that will imbed a video (youtube, TedTalk) into its platform. You then can add in questions that the student must ask before they can continue watching the video. This format enhances student engagement, ensures they watch the video (in order to answer the questions), and uses fun and easy technology that increases student collaboration in an online arena.

Rachel Bryson

Humanizing the online learniing experience: You will learn how to use existing tools within Canvas to humanize the online learning experience for students and teachers.


































































































































We are currently in the process of refining our policies and processes for third party app integrations with Canvas to ensure we are following existing University policies and relevant laws including accessibility, data security, and the sharing of sensitive student information with external vendors.

If you are planning to use third-party apps that aren’t currently available through Canvas, please note the following:

  • Integrating a new app may require additional vetting which can take several weeks to months depending on the level of integration.Technical support of a third party app is not provided by the University.
  • See PPM 4-16 (C-2) for more information about requiring students to pay for third party apps.
  • See PPM 10-1 for more information about protecting sensitive student data and privacy.

Most third-party apps can be used outside of Canvas as standalone platforms so long as they adhere to university data and privacy standards.

For questions about university data and privacy standards, please contact the ISO and/or Legal Counsel. For more information about the vetting process or third-party apps in Canvas, please contact us at